
The Galway United Methodist Church is a community of Christian brothers and sisters, unified by their shared belief in God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

The congregation endeavors to live in accordance with the teachings of the United Methodist Church. Members come together for worship, and to share fellowship, as well as other Church related activities.


***Worship service starts at 9:30am.  Sunday School/PreSchool fun starts shortly after this following the Children's sermon. Find out more about our Sunday School by visiting the Sunday School Tab in our menu.

You can also join us live through ZOOM or watch past messages on our YouTube channel. You can find the links to Zoom and YouTube by selecting the Worship with Us tab in our menu.  Links to past messages can also be found on our Facebook page (Galway United Methodist Church). 

Thank you for doing your part here at GUMC as we seek to share Jesus Christ and the good news of the Gospel.

We look forward to worshiping with you on Sundays.

Our church is the home of the Jump into Learning Preschool. For more information, please contact: Elaine Tusing (518) 882-9479

Al-Anon is meeting Monday evenings 7-8pm.

Fall Pilates will be offered Thursdays at 5pm beginning September 12th. Cost is $80 for all 10 classes or $10 per class. (Due to Halloween on 10/31 class will meet on Tuesday, 10/29 that week.)
 Checks should be made out to SHARYN KALINKEWICZ.

Classes will be held on: September 12,19,26
October 3,10,17,24,29
November 7, 14

Confirmation Class are offered as needed. Contact the Pastor for more information

Our Church and/or Fellowship Hall is available for other events. For more information regarding the fellowship hall please call (518) 882-6520 or email galwaymethodistchurch@gmail.com

Please use our menu above for information regarding worship services, community outreach, upcoming events, Sunday School, our music ministry or online giving.

To contact Pastor Dave directly please call (518) 882-6520 and leave a message or email pastordaverouth@gmail.com